IWECAI 2021 会议回顾
Thanks to the support of experts and scholars! The 2021 2nd International Conference on Electronic communication and Artificial Intelligence(ICECAI 2021) was successfully held in Nanjing, China, from 12-14 March.
Keynote speaker 1:
Dr. Pavel Loskot
Zhejiang University-University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Institute (ZJUI)
Title: Monte Carlo Simulations Revisited
Keynote speaker 2:
Nikhil R.Pal
the National Academy of Sciences of India
Title: Artificial Intelligence: How satisfied should we be?
Keynote speaker 3:
Chunbo Xiu
School of Control Science and Engineering, Tiangong University
Title: Memristive Cellular Neural Network & Its Dynamic Characteristic Analysis
Keynote speaker 4:
Sunil Kumar Jha
School of Computer and Software, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology
Title: Data Fusion Approaches in Human Body Odor Data Mining
Group photo
The conference provided a valuable opportunity for researchers and industry experts to exchange ideas face-to-face. The organizing committee hopes that everyone will continue to contribute to scientific progress with this enthusiasm.
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